Sasi Krishnasamy

About me

As a child, he helped people through social services, blood donations, and food donations. He worked with many trusts, foundations, and social service trusts, among others. In 2020, after a long and bumpy journey, he was finally able to fulfill his dream of starting his own foundation. He formed the Ayngaran Foundation in accordance with the Foundation Registration Act. Together, along with his partner, Mr. Sasi Krishnasamy, and Mr. Vince Thomas, formed a team of individuals having the same passion and put Ayngaran on the path to becoming a well-known NGO in India.
Ayngaran Foundation:
The Ayngaran Foundation is a non-profit group that was started by Sasi Krishnasamy on September 14, 2020. The location of the foundation is Palani. It focuses on meditation, education, and research with the aim of providing families with claws. It includes individuals from the United Kingdom and the United States. On September 14, 2020, the Ayngaran Foundation was registered with the Indian government.
The Ayngaran foundation is situated among Palani’s beautiful greenery. Sasi Krishnasamy, who started the organisation, had worked for other non-profits before he decided to start his own. Therefore, he began this on September 14, 2020.

However, the foundation was devastated by the COVID epidemic. Thus, the foundation’s functionality was compromised. However, on September 14, 2020, the government gave its permission. The foundation has branches and donors in the United Kingdom and the United States.
  • Sasi Krishnasamy

What I do?

Through its services, the foundation aims to spread good deeds and Hindu teachings. Its educational activities help people learn about and act on spiritual ideas and values that are important for building a stable, interconnected global society. So, they decided to feed people who were hungry and give groceries to low-income families in need. Consequently, the enchanting team decided to establish Akshaya Dharma, which has been delivering groceries, day-to-day food, and medicine to more than 10,000 people in Tamil Nadu and Kerala every month.
Ayngaran Foundation Aspirations:
Ayngaran works with retreat centers and international groups to teach people about spirituality and religion. It works with public schools, college and university meditation centers, and mindfulness camps to bring cognition into education. It teaches teachers, psychologists, and social workers in more than 60 countries and has an impact on more than a million teenagers around the world.
Meditation: Due to technological advancements, especially in the realm of brain monitoring equipment such as fMRI scanners, the long-reported advantages of meditation are now measurable. People who were skeptical about meditation before are now eager to try it out for themselves.

It is beneficial to one’s health. More and more doctors and scientists agree that meditation is good for your body, especially when it comes to reducing stress and relaxing.
Education: Education is the essential means through which children may maintain a secure existence. This organisation delivers elementary-level educational materials to underprivileged youngsters. Our goal is to make sure that they always have access to the basic learning materials they need for their studies.

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